Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 8 -- Day 2

5:41 p.m.! I'm an early birdie today. I woke up at 5 and felt like my blood sugar was crashing. My body was super weak again and I felt like I could hardly move. I'm too scared to fall back asleep so I'll just have a glass of OJ and get an early start to the day.
I saw a picture of a 3D ultrasound of an 8 wk old fetus. She's starting to look like a real baby now! The fetus had arms and legs and was wiggling around a lot. Supposedly the baby is already moving her little webbed fingers and toes also. That's amazing. My uterus is the size of a grapefruit now, which explains why I have a baby bump already with a raspberry sized baby. Yes, it's the size of a raspberry now, more or less.
So not much has happened today yet. Going to my psychiatrist this morning to pick up more "happy" pills that he put me on. The medication, Zyprexa, was a serious life saver. It's safe to take when pregnant and it got me out of my funk in days. I'm supposed to stay on it for a couple more weeks until my old medicine (the one I initially weened of of) kicks in. Not a problem with me.
After the doc, we're headed straight for la playa.
Well, just wanted to check in. I'll be back.

1 comment:

  1. i have enjoyed following your blog. Keep it up. I can only imagine what you are going through. Exciting, nervous, anxious, joyous, frustrating, thrilling....What women go through.... Its amazing..But from my perspective, as the father of an incredible daughter, it will all be worth it. :)
