Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 7 -- Day 7!!!

1:52 p.m. I think I felt the baby! My mom told me that there comes a point when you start feeling butterflies in your tummy. a.k.a. the baby. i swear i felt her last night! i was sitting on the couch with kent, and we were looking at old photos of his, and i swear i felt something floating around in there. i'm not really sure what you're supposed to feel when you feel the baby for the first time, so it could have been gas for all i know. hahaha. but it sure as hell felt like something. even today, i can feel something in there. it HAS to be baby quack. i've been eating like a savage beast today! i'm hoping that the nausea has passed and the hunger is now kicking in. i'm going to start a weight chart today until the end of my pregnancy so i can get an average weight gain per week. today i weighed in at 120.8 lbs in the morning. we'll check again at night. it's only 2 pm and so far i've eaten 2 waffles, one jumbo can of chef boyardee ravioli with two cheese slices on top, a mozzarella cheese stick and two bratwursts with honey mustard, and tonight, i'm making my famous cream cheese lasagna. yeah you read right. CREAM CHEESE. it's delicious and ever so fattening. pregnant eating is the best. no worries. and i haven't been eating unhealthy stuff either. sure, i have my share of ice cream and candy but it's nothing drastic. we'll see if i don't throw up tonight from all this food. there's a seattles best coffee, coffee drink that i absolutely love. it's an oreo coffee shake. the only seattles best coffee in austin is way down south about 35 minutes away. i was craving one so bad earlier that i almost made the foolish decision to drive down south and get one. i say foolish because a) that's a waste of gas b) it's a waste of time -- over an hour for a small drink, and c) it's a waste of money. i can buy the ingredients at the store for the same price of a drink. so needless to say, i'll be headed out to HEB today for some goods. gotta shuffle through my coupon file folder for some discounts. i never thought id be one to clip coupons or, heaven forbid, scan the coupon kiosk at the store, but kent and i have been coupon king and queen lately. clipping coupons is just part of being financially savvy. why spend $200 on groceries when you can save $30+ ? i guess if i were real lazy and had tons of disposable income then i wouldn't care. alright. im headed out to the store. i'll be back. good thing i ate beforehand. going to the store hungry is financial suicide!

1 comment:

  1. For coupons check out It's a pretty neat site she tells you which coupons to use and when to use them. She does it for all the big national stores. It's really good if you are trying to stock up on basics and such. Also go to they have some pretty good coupons on there as well. Check back often because they change them out.
