Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 7 -- Day 3

4:43 pm. Late start to the day! I woke up at 6:30 a.m. to the sound of my husband going through a stack of newspapers. I know, I'm a terribly light sleeper. I tried with all my might to gather myself and prepare to make a cup of coffee, but no dice. I was just too sleepy. I awoke later to the sound of my dog crying because she had to use the potty. It was now 10:30!! Geez! I hate getting up late. I felt great again this morning. I was motivated, energized, and most importantly HAPPY. I cannot stress to you enough how important it is to get help if you're feeling unreasonably blue. My doctor is great, and I know I can always count on him to answer my tough questions and help me get through this life-changing experience. Talk to your health providers, talk to your family and friends, write down your thoughts...just get help! Too many people fall by the wayside these days out of fear or pride. And I digress again...
I spent most of the day taking care of a change to our health insurance plan. We want to make sure we get the best coverage possible for our baby (obviously). My nausea had dissipated yesterday and I was hoping it would stay that way, but it returned today. I can't complain though. It hasn't been too bad. We got a card in the mail today from the Richmonds, Kent's cousins. One of his cousins just had a baby. She's adorable! It seems like it's raining babies lately. Four of my friends are pregnant and one just had a baby in late June. I guess we're all growing up! It's funny how you always wonder who you're going to marry, when you're going to have a baby, etc. Back when I was a teenager, I used to talk about how weird it was that my spouse was out there in this world doing his own thing and living his own life and someday, we're going to run into each other, fall in love and start a family. Well...I found him! I always knew I wanted to marry my soul mate, I'm just so lucky that I actually did. I went through a few relationships there with people I knew weren't my soul mates and I began to fear that I would just have to "settle." Whew! I'm so glad I followed my heart. Kent is my best friend, soul mate and SO much more. And now we're going to raise a child together. Weird, wild stuff! I'm craving shrimp right now. Mmmm. Gosh, I feel so weird right now. Do you ever have these days or moments when you just feel like you're living in a dream-like state? Everything feels cloudy and you're head feels like it's full of fluff? Haha. That's how I feel right now. I don't like it! My parents came to visit us last night. That was really nice of them considering it's a 20 min. drive from where they live in Central Austin. I had been craving cupcakes from this little cupcake stand, so my Mom and Dad bought us four different cupcakes and made a treat delivery! Alright, I'm going to watch the news. I'll try and be back later tonight. See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cuz! Just finished having dinner with your parents and your dad told me about your blog. Just wanted to stop by and say Congrats! This is sooo exciting a baby is such an amazing blessing. I wish you,Kent and the little bean all the best. Hope you pregnancy continues to be happy and healthy! I've been saying that someone I know needs to have a baby soon so I have an excuse to buy cute baby stuff! Now there is a new baby cuz to spoil rotten.

    All my Love
