Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week Five-Day 4- Augh

11:45 am. I just attempted to throw up my breakfast. I guess knocking on wood for no more morning sickness didn't do much good! A wave of nausea hit me suddenly about 30 min ago. Actually, I think it began when I spritzed on some Birthday Cake scented body spray. Woah. Just typing that made me want to hurl. I've always loved this body spray. I used to wear it daily for months on end. Everybody complemented me on how "sweet" I smelled. :) I guess I'll have to say "goodbye" to it during my pregnancy. I'm still in awe about how much more I can smell lately. Yesterday my Mom was sitting next to me at dinner with a glass of wine, and I couldn't sop smelling that sweet/floralesque scent of her Reisling. As I said in a previous post, my husband and I don't drink anymore but that scent was tugging at my sleeve like no other. I wanted to grab the bottle and chug the wine to satisfy my thirst. Of course, I would never do this as I don't drink, and even if I did, it would be too dangerous to indulge in alcohol during my pregnancy. So I had to sit through dinner with that overwhelming sense of wine lingering by my nose.
I feel partly hungry and partly nauseous right now. I think that's the worst feeling one can have. You don't know whether to eat or let your stomach settle. The primeval side of me, the survival side, keeps telling me to forget about my morning sickness and feed my starving body, while the logical side of me, the "let's take care of Lauren" side, keeps telling me to protect myself and wait. I settled on drinking a Coke. Which reminds me, I need to write down "Caffeine-free Coke" on my grocery list. I drank a small cup of coffee -- I mean baby cup small -- this morning, so I should be okay with just one Coke. At least that's what all the baby magazines/books seem to think. I read that you don't have to cut out all caffeine -- pregnant women have to give up so much already -- but you need to drink it in moderation.
My Dad and Kent are back at the new apartment now unloading stuff. They were able to pack up a good amount of furniture and boxes including our bed. I'm busy packing what's left of our closet as well as the bathroom stuff so we can shower tomorrow. We don't have a whole lot more to go, which makes me very happy seeing as how I'm now falling into pure pregnancy mode. Tired. Achy. Nauseous. Moody. Bloated.
Oh, did I mention that my maternal instincts are already kicking in? I was reading this horrible article yesterday about this religious "Jesus loving prophet" who raped little girls as young as 9 years old. I was telling my husband that if ANYONE ever harmed my child, I would spend the rest of my life hunting him down and once I found him, I'd chop off his balls and choke him with them. WOW!! GO LAUREN! The anger that enveloped me was unimaginable. Now I've always felt very maternal when it came to my animals but this was an entirely foreign feeling. For the first time, I felt reassured that I'd be a good Mom.
Better finish packing.

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